Our contractors

The Innovation Chain North (ICN) framework has 33 contractors across 11 contractor lots. The successful contractors were awarded a place on the framework following a robust procurement exercise which evaluated suppliers on their technical competence, price and commitment to social value.

Due to the success of the previous ICN frameworks, we received a substantial number of high quality bids from contractors wanting to secure a place on the new framework.



The bids were evaluated as follows and the process included model answers, dual marking and moderation for all questions:

Price 40%
Quality 50%
Social Value 10%

Contractor lots

The traditional construction lots (H1 & H2; L1 – L5) are divided into two value bandings and are further subdivided geographically across the North West and North East geographies.

The modular principle contractor lots (P1 & P2) and the apartment specialist contractor lots (A1 & A2) do not have a value banding and are simply divided geographically between the North West and North East.

High Value map

High Value lot for 35 homes and above.