Our ICN 2020 contractors

The Innovation Chain North (ICN) framework has 29 contractors across 12 contractor lots. The successful contractors were awarded a place on the framework following a robust procurement exercise which evaluated suppliers on their technical competence, price and commitment to social value.

Due to the success of the previous ICNW frameworks, we received a substantial number of high quality bids from contractors wanting to secure a place on the new framework. The bids were evaluated as follows and the process included model answers, dual marking and moderation for all questions:

Price 60%

Quality 30%

Social Value 10%

Please note, this page relates to the current ICN 2020 framework, to view the successful contractors for ICN 2024 please click here

Our ICN 2020 Contractor lots

The traditional construction lots (H1 & H2; L1 – L6) are divided into two value bandings and are further subdivided geographically across the North West and North East geographies.

The modular principle contractor lots (P1 & P2) and the groundworker lots (G1 & G2) do not have a value banding and are simply divided geographically between the North West and North East.

H Map

Low Value lot for 34 homes and below

Care to join us?

For more information and membership enquiries contact:
Innovation Chain North team
[email protected]