RBH is a pioneering co-owned mutual housing society, with over 12,000 homes across the towns and villages of Rochdale Borough.
By working together we provide better places for our members, tenants, and employees to live and work.
Drawing on the area’s rich co-operative heritage, our pioneering model places our tenant and employee members at the heart of decision-making, allowing everyone to enjoy a sense of security and belonging in places we make great together.
Our Corporate Strategy, “Together”, sets out our aim to deliver the right mix and quality of homes to make our communities strong and successful.
We know that the borough needs more new good quality, genuinely affordable homes of the right type, of the right tenure, and in the right places to meet changing needs and aspirations and to widen the housing choices open to residents. We also know that we need to keep raising the quality of existing homes and of their surrounding environment.
We are the lead partner in delivering quality affordable homes in the towns and villages of Rochdale Borough, providing and facilitating more housing, more choice, a more balanced mix, and improved quality. Delivering a better quality and mix of homes will make sure that Rochdale remains a great place to grow up, grow a career, and grow older.
We hold Investment Partner Status with Homes England with an excellent track record of delivery, and our experienced and skilled team help us to build and maintain excellent working relationships with our delivery partners
For more information and membership enquiries contact: Innovation Chain North team icn@greatplaces.org.uk