Poole Dick Associates Limited

Poole Dick is a forward thinking Construction Consultancy providing Project Management, Employer’s Agent, Purchaser’s Agent, Quantity Surveying, Principal Designer and Clerk of Works services. We have offices in Manchester, Bury and Stoke-on-Trent successfully building relationships and delivering services throughout England and North Wales.

With a long established reputation throughout the housing and social infrastructure sectors we have extensive experience in areas such as: large scale mixed tenure housing developments; Extra Care and older persons accommodation; high-rise repurposing; multiple occupancy accommodation; mixed use regeneration; and joint ventures with the private sector. We are also at the forefront of procuring modular residential accommodation and we developing our expertise in zero carbon construction and whole life cost reductions

Related Case Studies

Fir View Gardens

Consultant: Bowker Sadler Partnership Limited

Contractor: Esh Construction Ltd

Client: Great Places Housing Group

Location: Sheffield

Number of houses: 20

Great Places owned land,  formally owned by Equity.

20 new homes for affordable rent

2b3p Type A 70m2 5no.

2b3p Type E 70m2 1no.

3b4p Type B 3 storey 86m2 8no.

3b4p Type C 84m2 4no.

3b4p Type D 85m2 1no.

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Innovation Chain North team